Friday, November 7, 2008

Emergency Room ! What ?

5 minute pity party.......... thursday I got a pain in my side, but I thought I just pulled a muscle because I did some furniture rearranging ( by myself because Bryan was out of town) anyway, I didn't think much of it until it started getting worse to the point I could hardly walk yesterday. Bryan insisted I go to the E.R. so I did. After about 3 hours of tests and waiting they discovered I have an ovarian cist that burst and that is why I hurt so much. So now I have an excuse to take it easy for a few days. If it's not not better by Monday I may need surgery to get rid of it. So we are going to keep our fingers crossed that it will disolve on it's own.
what a crazy night ! I love Loritab ! HAHA!


Pinky Homer said...

Oh my goodness! I heard those hurt like crazy! I'm glad they found out what it was and that at least you are on pain killers. No wonder you weren't at scouts ... it was canceled ... no big deal take care of yourself and I hope for the best.

Yoli said...

Wow. I hope you are okay. Let me know if you need anything. Hang in there.